Why Telehealth Therapy? A message from our lead therapist.

Our number one concern has always been to protect the health of our clients and our staff. I feel very thankful and proud that Lakes Center was able to adapt so quickly to telehealth appointments in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. With the closing our offices to the public and making the temporary shift to telehealth, I worried about what that might look like. What it would that shift mean for our clients and the quality of care they received?

I have found it to be an incredibly positive experience during this uncertain time. I appreciate the therapeutic nature and the effectiveness of telehealth sessions. For some clients, we have notice less fear as telehealth allows clients to be in a familiar place where they may be most comfortable, removing some barriers that may make in-office therapy difficult. We are experiencing a time of heightened anxiety and stress, and we want you to know that we continue to be here for you.

If clients haven’t checked out our secure telehealth video sessions yet, I would encourage them to give it a try! It is simple and we are thrilled with how it has allowed our clients to access care during this unpredictable time.

Ready to schedule an appointment? Give us a call at 612-405-0299